This is a pretty flower for a pretty day! :)
This Sunday was really great. We had stake conference but it was a regional conference broadcast from Salt Lake to all of England and part of Ireland. It was nice because we were able to watch the broadcast from the stake center which is the building where we go to school. It was nice to not get up at 7:30 and ride and hour on the train too.
The meeting it's self was really amazing. President Monson, L. Tom Perry, Sister Thompson and Brother Karen spoke. It was really interesting to hear their messages and it was great because they were very tailored to the saints here. Going to Conference I was a little worried that I wasn't going to get much out of it, part of me thought that if the message was for the saints on England and I'm not really one of them would it be applicable to me? So even going into it with those doubts I couldn't be more wrong, it was completely for me which was great.
One of the themes of the conference was loving others and being a true friend. President Monson talked about loving people as our brothers and sisters. So I've heard that said before but never really thought about it's implications. If everyone truly loved everyone as I do my actual brothers and sisters this world would have a lot less problems.
After conference I spent time with my roommates and took a nap. Cali, Ellie and I talked about what we learned at conference and got into a really good discussion which was nice.
Then we had a fireside where the three guys on our program all talked about their missions. It was a really interesting fireside and I got to hear perspectives on missions that I had never heard before. My favorite part of the fireside was Addison talking about Pslams 37. He talked about how it was a theme for his mission and for his life. It basically says: do good, trust God, and don't worry. I really loved that and want it to be a motto for my life. I think that is easier said than done but I'm going to try. Overall it was a super Sunday with great spiritual insights.
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