So after getting back from shopping we went to the park and had lunch and read our next play. It was such a nice sunny day so it was great to be out in the park except for some of the sunbathers, (I think they thought they were in France) :)
After that we went to the play The Tempest. It was done in a children's theater so all the creatures were puppets. It was really cool to see the play that we just read for class and see how the play rendition was different from how I imagined it when I was reading it. To be honest I like my imagination's version better but I really liked the puppet they used for Caliban. Overall it was a great day especially because on the way home from the play we stopped and I got some ice cream and chocolate. So this one is for you Saffron! :)
What no pictures of the sunbathers? Sounds like fun Elly, you seem to have a pretty active imagination so I guess I can see why you liked your version better.